The homes of the future have arrived and are allowing seniors to enjoy a level of control, comfort, and safety unthought of in previous generations.

Using your phone, a remote control or even your voice – you can automate a home which has been tailored to help you maintain your independence in your home and control the devices and appliances around you.

Senior living in Melbourne can be enhanced with affordable and easy-to-use items which improves everyday quality of life, increase security and safety, and can decrease energy bills.

Those with limited mobility, low energy levels, or painful joints can control lighting, heating, and kitchen appliances from where they sit and maintain their comfort levels with the press of a button.

Below we will look at how home automation can improve and enable senior living at home while increasing the safety, convenience, and peace of mind for residents and family members.


Enhancing Safety and Security for Seniors

One of the most important benefits of including smart technology in your home, is the increased levels of security and safety from items such as smart lights, automated security, and remote monitoring.

1. Automated Lighting to Reduce Fall Risks

Smart lighting can be installed which will turn on automatically when sensors pick up movement in a room. This can help to ensure that possible obstacles and slipping hazards can clearly be seen and avoided.

Smart lighting can also be set so that lights switch on and off at certain times of the day according to daily routines. And you can switch these lights on or off from anywhere in the house, so you can avoid having to trudge through the house at night to check whether everything is switched off.

2. Smart locks and security systems for protection

Smart security systems can be installed in Melbourne homes to alert you or family members whenever somebody approaches the house. You can decide whether you want to answer the door to your visitor, and even communicate with them using an intercom or Ring device.

Smart locks can be locked and unlocked via a code, password or app. So, you can open or secure your front door from your living room and friends and family members can enter to check on you whenever needed.

3. Remote Monitoring for Caregivers and Family Members

For extra piece of mind, you can set up monitoring cameras in your home which will allow your family members, friends, or caregivers to check in and make sure you are safe and well when alone.

Those you allow access to the camera will be able to use their smartphones to access a livestream and make sure that you are comfortable and secure in your home. This can prove very helpful if you have had a fall in your home and are unable to reach a phone or alert device.

However, the benefits of home automation for seniors don’t stop at increased safety and security. There are lots of smart home devices which can improve everyday quality of life and enable efficient in-home living.

 Increasing Convenience and Efficiency

A wide variety of smart home devices can improve at home living and help you to lead an easier, more comfortable, and efficient life. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you turn in – voice activated, automated, and remote-control devices can save you from discomfort and stress.

1. Voice-activated Smart Assistants for Easy Control

If you struggle with pain, limited mobility, or using complicated controls and displays – voice activated smart assistants will help you to control devices from your seat.

You can use a smart hub such as Google Nest or Amazon Echo as a voice-activated command centre for your other smart devices which control lights, heating, door locks, security cameras and even your television!

2. Smart Appliances for Energy Efficiency and Ease of Use

Smart lights and automated heating devices can be controlled via remote, meaning you can easily and quickly adjust levels to what you need. You can also schedule your heating or lights to turn on and off at a certain time or set motion sensors, so you have light wherever you go.

Smart lights and thermostats will also give you a greater level of control about how much electricity you are using and help you to improve energy efficiency levels.

3. Integration with Wearables for Health Monitoring

Wearable smart health devices can provide you with vital health information which can be quickly checked, sent to your doctors, and monitored by family members or caregivers.

Smart watches allow you to track your heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and daily activity levels. This gives you a new level of control and information about your health and will allow you and your carers to spot problems quickly.

These wearable devices can be connected with health provider portals to allow both doctors and patients to upload data, track performance, and access health records.

As well as helping with your security, comfort, and health – in home automation can improve your connection and communication to friends, family members and loved-ones.


Strengthening Connection and Communication

Smart communication devices will connect you with your family members, friends, and caregivers quickly and easily – either at the press of a button or a voice command.

1. Video Calling and Communication Platforms

Using smart phones, voice assistants, tablets, and watches you can quickly get in contact with your friends and family. Using video calls, you will be able to see your loved ones up close from the comfort of your own home. You can also use these devices to check and update social media and other communication platforms.

All of this can help you to feel connected and updated if you have to stay inside due to injury, poor health, or bad weather.

2. Remote Assistance and Support for Seniors

Home automation can also help you access support and assistance quickly and easily. Smart phones and watches for seniors can monitor your heart rate and will notify emergency contacts if it seems you have had a fall of medical emergency.

You can also use voice assistance technology to quickly contact a caregiver or the emergency services if you have a medical issue in your home and cannot access your phone.

3. Sharing Updates and Progress with Family Members

Medical updates can be set to automatically update family members, doctors, and caregivers about your current health status. This can bring a whole new level of confidence and peace of mind to both seniors and their family members who may worry about them living at home alone.

Smart home technology is constantly improving, and when harnessed correctly can prove invaluable in allowing aging in place in Melbourne and beyond. A well-designed home automation system will enhance senior living with improved security, increased safety, high comfort, and easier energy control.

Conclusion – Using Home Automation to Enhance Senior Living

In home automation offers a wide variety of benefits for seniors living in Melbourne – offering better control of lighting and heating, improved security, and easier communication.

Choosing the right smart home devices for your property will improve both your quality of live and peace of mind of your family-members and caregivers.

For more information about the best home automation devices for seniors in Melbourne, contact Canny Electrics today. We will talk through your support needs and suggest the most helpful and efficient solutions for you and your home.